Here is some great news- For those of you that floss with traditional floss-keep going. For those who cannot or won’t, let me suggest some newer and easier choices to consider (and why):
To achieve and maintain complete dental health it is important to find a way to clean BETWEEN your teeth. It is healthier for your mouth but truly your whole body to keep the bacterial load down. Although power brushing with a Sonicare or Oral-B electric toothbrush or even a battery-powered toothbrush (Arm & Hammer Spinbrush or Quip) will dislodge more bacterial plaque, brushing is not enough.
Full disclosure- I mostly use traditional floss for myself.
BUT now there are plastic flossers, where you hold the handle rather than touching your teeth to use.
Interdental brushes are also useful and come in sizes from tiny to wide to fit between teeth where food and bacteria accumulate. Products from Butler Gum and other companies are easily found on Amazon or in your local Duane Reade/ CVS (any store that sells toothpaste besides a supermarket). They are plastic and soft rubber picks that work very well. ‘Butler Gum soft-picks’ and ‘The Doctor’s Brushpicks’` are two of my favorites.
For those who prefer a quick and easy gadget, a Waterpik (Aquarius by Teledyne Waterpik is a good choice and not too big) or a water flosser specifically made for flossing only (such as the Sonicare Air-flosser) is terrific, pretty compact, and simple to use. The Air-flosser provides a quick burst of air/water or mouthwash, and the Waterpik Ultra Dental Water Jet works similarly but is a little bigger and holds more water or mouthwash, so it needs less refilling.
Any Questions, contact Reva, we are always happy to help you.